Manual vs Automated Testing: Differences, Benefits, and Best Practices

Posted date:
18 Oct 2024
Last updated:
22 Oct 2024

How do you choose between manual and automated testing in your software development process? Software testing methods such as manual testing and automated testing play an integral role in ensuring product quality. Both methods have their benefits, but which is the optimal choice? Discover the differences, benefits, and best practices for effective software quality assurance.

Introduction to Manual and Automated Testing

What is Manual Testing?

Manual testing is a manual software testing method where the tester has to perform the testing steps without using automated tools. Manual testing requires direct human interaction to test and detect errors in the software. This is especially useful in situations where human judgment is needed, helping to improve testing efficiency in cases where programming is impossible.

Manual Testing
The tester will perform the testing steps according to the pre-determined scenario

What is Automated Testing?

Automated testing is a method of using automation tools to perform software testing. Test scripts are pre-programmed and automatically executed to check the quality of the product. This saves time, improves accuracy, and ensures consistency. Popular automation testing tools like Selenium, JUnit, and TestNG help optimize the testing process.

Key Differences Between Manual and Automated Testing

Cost and Time Comparison

The difference between manual and automated testing is mainly cost and time. Manual testing is often more time-consuming and requires human intervention, while automated testing can save time, especially in large projects with many repeatable test cases. However, the cost comparison of manual vs automated testing shows that automated testing has a higher initial cost due to the requirement to develop and maintain automated scripts.

Using automated testing can reduce testing time by up to 40%, but the initial setup cost is usually around 25-30% of the total testing budget.

Flexibility and Coverage

Manual testing is more flexible in handling unexpected or unpredictable situations. Automated testing, on the other hand, can test more cases in less time, but is limited by pre-programmed scenarios. Manual testing advantages include the ability to respond to rapid changes, while automated testing can test more extensively.

Accuracy and Human Involvement

In terms of accuracy, automated testing vs manual testing clearly shows the advantage of automated testing in eliminating errors due to human factors. However, manual testing allows testers to identify issues related to user experience, which automated tools cannot guarantee.

Differences Between Manual and Automated Testing
Key distinctions between manual testing and automated testing

Advantages of Manual Testing

Bạn bổ sung thêm phân tích về advantages của manual testing ở đây nhé, triển khai theo dạng list cũng được nhé. 

When is Manual Testing the Better Choice?

When to choose manual testing? Manual testing is the best choice when testing functions that require human interaction, such as user interface (UI) or user experience testing. It is also suitable for small-scale projects that do not require repeated testing.

Types of Projects Suited for Manual Testing

Newly developed projects that do not have many test scenarios or require flexible adaptation are often suitable for manual testing. Software testing manual vs automation will clearly show that manual testing prioritizes innovative projects and does not have functional stability.

Advantages of Automated Testing

Ở đây cũng tương tự, bạn bổ sung thêm advantages của Automated Testing nhé

When is Automated Testing More Efficient?

Automated testing benefits are more obvious when applied in large projects with many repeated test cases. With automation capabilities, testers can reduce time and effort in periodic testing, ensuring higher accuracy than manual testing.

Types of Projects Suited for Automated Testing

Large-scale projects, especially enterprise software systems, often require test automation vs manual testing to be effective. Automated testing is also suitable for projects that use DevOps and require continuous testing (Continuous testing and DevOps). According to the World Quality Report 2023 survey, 76% of businesses use automated testing for projects related to big data and cross-platform integration.

World Quality Report 2023 survey
World Quality Report 2023 survey

When to Use Manual vs Automated Testing?

Project Size and Complexity

Small projects with few features are usually suitable for manual testing as they do not require much investment in automation tools. Whereas, large and complex projects will need automated testing to ensure adequate testing. Manual vs automated software testing should be carefully considered based on the size and complexity of the project.

Budget and Resources

Automation testing vs manual testing also depends on the budget and resources of the project. If the budget is limited, manual testing can be a more economical choice. However, automated testing is an effective long-term solution, especially for large projects that require multiple testing.

Frequency of Test Cases

Automated vs manual testing also depends on the frequency of testing. Projects with many test iterations or frequent updates will need automated testing. Manual testing is suitable for tests that are less repetitive and require human judgment.

Best Practices for Combining Manual and Automated Testing

Hybrid Testing Strategies

Hybrid testing approaches that combine both manual and automated testing are often recommended to maximize the benefits of both methods. For example, complex test scenarios can be tested manually, while repetitive tests can be automated to save time and resources.

Tools to Use for Both Manual and Automated Testing

Tools like Selenium, JUnit, and TestNG are commonly used in automated testing, while Jira, TestRail, and Zephyr are used for manual testing. Combining both these types of tools helps to optimize the testing process, ensure product quality and increase testing efficiency comparison between the two methods.

Tools for manual and automated testing
Some tools for manual and automated testing

Finally, the choice between manual and automated testing depends on many factors such as project size, budget, and testing frequency. Each method has its importance and needs to be applied at the right time. Automated testing vs manual testing is not only a comparison of time and cost but also about suitability for each type of project. To achieve the best results, a combination of both manual and automated testing is necessary.


What is the main difference between manual and automated testing?

Manual testing requires human intervention, whereas automated testing uses automated tools to perform testing.

Which is faster: manual or automated testing?

Automated testing is faster than manual testing, especially in repetitive situations.

When should I use manual testing instead of automated testing?

Manual testing is suitable for small projects or those that require testing of user interface and experience.

Is automated testing more accurate than manual testing?

Yes, automated testing is more accurate as it is not affected by human factors.

Can I combine manual and automated testing in a project?

Yes, you can combine both methods to achieve optimal testing efficiency in projects.

"Quality is more important than quantity. One home run is much better than two doubles."

Kim Thi Hai Ha

Quality Control Manager

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