Offshore Software Development – Perfect way for Cost saving

28 Apr 2023

What is Offshore software development and why are more and more businesses choosing this solution? Are you learning about the benefits, strategies, and frequently asked questions related to offshore software development? This article will answer all your questions.

What is Offshore Software Development?

Offshore software development is hiring a company or software development team in another country, usually abroad, to carry out software development projects for businesses. This form of outsourcing takes advantage of lower labor costs, and access to talented human resources, and increases work efficiency by using remote software development teams.

Offshore Software Development?
Offshore Software Development is one of the most modern and effective approaches

What is the Difference between Offshore and Onshore Software Development?

Below is a comparison table between Offshore and Onshore Software Development to help you easily identify the differences:


Offshore Software Development

Onshore Software Development

Geographical location

Development team in another country

Development team in the same country


Lower due to differences in living standards and labor costs

Higher due to high labor and living costs

Project implementation time

It can be faster due to working 24/7 in multiple time zones

Limited to local business hours

Quality of human resources

Can access global human resources with diverse skills

Human resources can be knowledgeable about local culture and language

Project management

Special tools and processes are needed to track progress

Management is easier because there are no geographical differences

Quality control

Need strict processes to ensure quality

Easy to control quality due to geographical proximity


Difficulties may occur due to time zone and language

Easier due to lack of language and time zone barriers

Control and monitoring

More difficult to control directly

Easier because you can meet face-to-face

 Benefits of Offshore Software Development

Offshore Software Development brings many benefits to businesses, including:

  • Cost savings: One of the biggest benefits of Offshore Software Development is cost savings. Countries like Vietnam, India, and the Philippines have lower wages than Western countries, helping businesses significantly reduce personnel costs. This includes not only the salaries of developers but also related costs such as benefit costs, taxes and other allowances.
  • Access to global talent: Offshore Software Development allows businesses to access a vast global talent pool. This is especially useful when a business needs special skills not easily found locally. Countries like India and Vietnam have large numbers of well-trained software engineers, experienced in working with advanced technologies and modern software development processes.
  • Faster time to market: When working with an overseas software development team, businesses can take advantage of the time difference to speed up the development process. Teams working across different time zones can ensure continuous progress, helping projects complete faster. Time zone differences between countries allow businesses to establish seamless workflows. When the team in one country takes a break, the team in another country can continue work, ensuring that the project continues without interruption.
Benefits of Offshore Software Development
Offshore Software Development have many benefits

 Overcoming Challenges in Offshore Development

Although Offshore Software Development brings many benefits, there are also challenges that businesses need to face:

  • Communication barriers: Communication is an important factor in software development. To overcome language and cultural barriers, businesses need to choose teams that have good English skills and can provide cultural training to enhance mutual understanding.
  • Quality control: Ensuring software quality remotely can be difficult. To solve this problem, businesses should establish clear quality control processes and use automated software testing tools.
  • Time zone differences: Time zone differences can cause delays in project progress. Businesses should make flexible work plans and determine appropriate time frames to communicate with the development team.

Why should Outsource Software Development to Viet Nam?

Vietnam is becoming an attractive destination for Offshore Software Development thanks to many special competitive advantages.

  • Competitive costs: Vietnam has lower labor costs than many other countries, bringing great financial benefits to businesses. The salary of software engineers in Vietnam is lower than in developed countries such as the United States, Australia or Europe. This helps businesses save a significant amount of costs when hiring software development personnel.
  • Young and dynamic human resources: Vietnam has young, talented, and well-trained human resources in the field of information technology. Software engineers in Vietnam are not only technically good but also have good creativity and logical thinking.
  • Favorable business environment: The Vietnamese government is promoting policies to support the information technology industry and create favorable conditions for foreign businesses to invest.
  • Good service quality: Many Vietnamese companies have been providing high-quality software development services to international partners.
Outsource Software Development to Viet Nam
Vietnam is becoming an attractive country for Offshore Software Development

Essential Tools for Offshore Software Development

Project Management Tools

  • Jira: Jira helps track tasks, bugs, and project progress, supporting planning, reporting, and managing software releases.
  • Trello: Trello helps teams track work and project progress using cards and lists.
  • Asana: A flexible project management tool that helps track work and manage teams effectively.
Project Management Tools
Jira, Trello, and Asana are commonly used by many companies

Communication Platforms

  • Slack: A powerful communication tool that helps remote teams communicate easily through messages, calls, and separate channels.
  • Microsoft Teams: Provides chat, video calling, and integration with many other applications to optimize team communication.
  • Zoom: A popular online meeting platform that supports video calls and online meetings.
Communication Platforms
Some popular platforms to connect

Version Control Systems

  • Git: The most popular version control tool, helping developers manage source code and track change history.
  • GitHub: A Git-based platform that allows collaboration on source code and provides project management tools.
  • GitLab: Another platform based on Git, providing similar features to GitHub but with the addition of powerful CI/CD integration.
Version Control Systems
Git, GitHub, and GitLab are often used to monitor source code

Collaboration Tools

  • Confluence: A wiki and documentation tool that helps teams share knowledge and project documents effectively.
  • Notion: Notion helps organize information and work in a flexible and intuitive way.
  • Google Workspace: Google Workspace helps teams collaborate on documents, share ideas, and store project information centrally and easily.
Collaboration Tools
The tools you can refer to our Collaboration Tools

FAQs about Offshore Software Development

What is the difference between offshore and outsourcing?

Offshore is hiring services from another country, while outsourcing can be from within or outside the business's country.

How do I choose an offshore software development company?

To choose an offshore software development company, businesses need to consider factors such as: Consider experience, and feedback from customers, and the company's staff.

How can I ensure the quality of offshore software development?

To ensure product quality when using offshore software development services, businesses can: Set clear quality standards monitor progress, and provide regular feedback.

Businesses need to pay attention to the following legal issues: Ensuring data security, intellectual property rights, and compliance with national laws.

Finally, offshore software development brings benefits in terms of costs and resources, opening up many development opportunities for businesses. However, to effectively take advantage of this benefit, businesses need to have a specific strategy and methods to overcome challenges and achieve business goals.

"CEO and co-founder of MOR Software JSC, holds a degree in Information Technology from Hanoi University of Science and Technology. He is an experienced IT professional with software outsourcing, networking, and database management expertise."

Vu Van Tu


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