MOR Software developed a comprehensive Salesforce Customer 360 solution to enhance customer management and service experiences for business clients.


Salesforce Development








The project involved customizing Salesforce's Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Experience Cloud, and Account Engagement to streamline business operations. Over 18 months, a team of 30 developers employed Apex, LWC, Aura, and Visualforce Pages to create a robust customer management application. The solution integrated customer data from marketing campaigns, automated sales tasks, optimized customer care, and facilitated effective marketing campaigns.

The customer

Our customers are business clients looking to enhance their customer management and service experiences. They aim to leverage Salesforce's capabilities to improve operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

The challenges

  • Complex Customization: Tailoring Salesforce solutions to meet specific business needs.
  • Data Integration: Collecting and integrating customer data from diverse marketing campaigns.
  • Automation: Automating everyday tasks to allow sales teams to focus on core activities.
  • Service Optimization: Configuring Service Cloud to optimize customer care for agent teams.
  • Customer Engagement: Building a portal for quick support document access and feedback collection.
  • Marketing Efficiency: Creating effective marketing campaigns using automation tools and landing pages.

The solution

  • Sales Cloud Customization: Automated routine tasks, enabling sales teams to concentrate on selling.
  • Service Cloud Configuration: Optimized customer care processes, enhancing agent efficiency.
  • Experience Cloud Development: Built a portal for easy access to support documents and feedback.
  • Account Engagement Implementation: Developed marketing campaigns using automation tools, improving lead conversion rates.
  • Data Integration: Collected and integrated customer data from various marketing campaigns, ensuring a unified view.

The outcome

  • Enhanced Customer Management: Provided a unified view of customer interactions and data.
  • Increased Efficiency: Automated tasks, leading to improved sales team productivity.
  • Optimized Customer Service: Enhanced service delivery and agent performance.
  • Improved Customer Engagement: Facilitated better customer support and feedback mechanisms.
  • Effective Marketing Campaigns: Increased conversion rates through targeted marketing efforts.

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