Posted date:
28 Jun 2023
Last updated:
06 Sep 2023

From June 12-16, 2023, Mr. Vu Van Tu - CEO of MOR Software, participated in the London Tech Week 2023 event in the United Kingdom. This is the 10th year that the event has been organized by TechUK in collaboration with the UK Government. With the participation of over 30,000 people, London Tech Week 2023 brought together more than 300 speakers and 70 partners from leading global technology "unicorns" such as Microsoft, Meta, Amazon, IBM, along with representatives from over 50 countries.


London Technology Week 2023
London Tech Week 2023


During the event, Mr. Vu Van Tu, together with the Vietnam Software Association (VINASA), participated in three key technology events:

- UK-APAC Tech Conference and Networking series

- AI Summit

- Vietnam Tech Workshop

- London Tech Week Showcase


the Vietnam Software Association (VINASA)
Mr. Vu Van Tu (second from the right) and the Vietnam Software Association (VINASA).


At the UK-APAC Tech Conference, experts from the UK government and technology leaders discussed the challenges and opportunities for domestic UK companies in expanding into the Asia-Pacific region. Subsequently, Mr. Vu Van Tu and the VINASA delegation were honored to be received at the UK-APAC Tech Networking Reception, where they had the opportunity to converse with top global experts in the IT field. This event was hosted by Deloitte, one of the world's leading auditing companies, with the aim of bringing strategic collaboration opportunities between companies from the Asia-Pacific region and the United Kingdom.


UK-APAC Tech Conference
UK-APAC Tech Conference


At the AI Summit, the Vietnamese delegation had the opportunity to connect with technology experts and global business leaders, as well as engage in discussions with pioneers and global leaders in the field of Artificial Intelligence. This summit focused on the strong rise of Artificial Intelligence in recent years and the ways for businesses to easily undergo digital transformation in the era of Industry 4.0.


The AI Summit London 2023
AI Summit London 2023 (Source: The AI Summit London)



Prime Minister of the United Kingdom - Rishi Sunak also participated in the AI Summit. At the event, the Prime Minister delivered the opening speech at the AI Summit and engaged in networking and discussions with technology businesses.


The opening speech at the AI Summit
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom - Rishi Sunak delivered the opening speech at the AI Summit (Source: SheCanCode)


In addition, as part of the "Vietnam - UK Cooperation Year 2023: Commemorating 50 years of Vietnam-UK diplomatic relations" program, the Vietnam Tech Workshop was organized to introduce the technological capabilities of Vietnamese enterprises and foster business cooperation between the IT companies of the two countries. During this workshop, with the presence of representatives from major technology corporations and the UK government, Mr. Tu had the opportunity to showcase the capabilities and development potential of MOR Software in the software outsourcing field, as well as affirm MOR Software's position in the global technology market.


Vietnam - UK Tech Workshop
Vietnam Tech Workshop


Attending the conference, Vietnamese Ambassador to the UK - Mr. Nguyen Hoang Long emphasized that Vietnam is a promising market with a young and dynamic population, and the technology sector is rapidly developing and growing with a trend towards technology startups. From 2020 to 2023, many Vietnamese technology "unicorns," including MOR Software, have gained international recognition, and Vietnam has become one of the largest potential markets in Southeast Asia.


Vietnam technology market at Vietnam Tech Workshop
Mr. Nguyen Hoang Long shared about the Vietnamese technology market at the Vietnam Tech Workshop.


Furthermore, Mr. Hoang Anh Tu, Deputy Head of the International Relations Department at the Ministry of Information and Communications, also shared practical insights on cooperation opportunities in the technology sector between Vietnam and the UK. According to him, Vietnam is currently a top ICT destination in Southeast Asia, while the UK is the best place in the world for digital business.


Technology sector between Vietnam and the UK
Mr. Hoang Anh Tu shared about the opportunities for cooperation in the technology sector between Vietnam and the UK. (Source: VietnamPlus)


MOR Software hopes that London Tech Week 2023 will not only be a breakthrough playground for the technology community but also a catalyst for cooperation and commercial activities in the IT field between countries worldwide, and specifically between Vietnam and the United Kingdom in the future.

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