Onsite vs. Offsite IT Developers: Which Is Better for Your Business?

Posted date:
15 Mar 2024
Last updated:
23 May 2024

In the rapidly evolving world of technology, IT Outsourcing emerges as an ultimate solution for businesses that are seeking efficient ways to handle their IT needs. A highlighted remark is in 2022, the total revenue of the ICT industry in Vietnam reached a peak of 148 billion USD, accounting for 14.4% of the national GDP. Amidst this rising outsourcing trend, businesses are also making a hard choice to hire IT developers working onsite or offsite. This choice can significantly impact your company's operational efficiency, cost management, and overall technological effectiveness. 


In this article, we explore the nuances of these two models to help you determine the best fit for your organization. We'll delve into the advantages and limitations of each approach, giving you comprehensive insights, and enabling you to make an informed decision that aligns with your business strategy and technical needs. Whether your focus is on immediate, hands-on support or flexible, remote solutions, understanding how hiring onsite and offsite IT developers benefit your business is pivotal in shaping a robust IT framework for your development.


Onsite Developers

Onsite IT Developers

An onsite IT developer is a professional who works at the physical location of the client's business or company. Unlike remote or offsite developers who work from a separate location, often remotely or from an external office, onsite developers are physically present in the client's workplace. 

Their presence can be on a full-time, part-time, or as-needed basis, depending on the project requirements and the agreement between the developer and the client.

Advantages of hiring Onsite Developers

  • Better integration, Easier management
  • Immediate Response to Emergencies
  • Ensuring Confidentiality and Security

Better integration, Easier management

Being physically present allows onsite developers to integrate more seamlessly with existing teams, fostering a collaborative work environment and ensuring alignment with company culture and values. On-the-spot attendance also makes it easier for managers to monitor the developers, ensuring their working process with direct discipline.

Immediate response to Emergencies

Onsite developers facilitate immediate, face-to-face communication. Therefore, in case of critical system failures or urgent issues, onsite developers can respond immediately, minimizing downtime and potential losses.

Ensuring Confidentiality and Security

Onsite developers can work within the secure environment of the company, which is crucial when handling sensitive data and intellectual property.

Disadvantages of hiring Onsite Developers

  • Higher Cost With Additional Fees
  • Longer Timeliness Of Deployment
  • Limited Access To Global Talent
  • Possible Inefficiency

Higher Cost With Additional Fees

Employing onsite developers typically involves higher costs, including salaries, benefits, workspace, resources, and personal equipment compared to offsite alternatives. In case of partnering with a distant or foreign IT provider, you may also have to cover the transportation fee for the developers to come and work at your company.

Longer Timeline Of Onboarding

The biggest con of an onsite developer is the time it takes to deploy one to your office. If you have an in-house developer, then this wouldn’t be a problem as an in-house developer is always present at the premises.

However, an onsite developer is provided by your IT Outsourcing partner. Depending on the schedule, how many people are contacting your ITO partner, and the availability of IT human resources, your problem can take much longer to solve than it would have taken an offsite developer.

Limited Access To Global Talent

Relying solely on onsite developers restricts a company to the local talent pool, which may not always meet the specific skill requirements or levels of expertise needed.

Possible Inefficiency

Many IT issues can be resolved remotely, provided you have all of the necessary tools. This makes onsite tech support inefficient. Companies need tech problems solved ASAP; more downtime causes more lost profits.

Inefficiency is the reason IT Outsourcing partners do not immediately provide an onsite developer. If the problem can be solved faster via remote help, then it’s more efficient for the business and ITO partners to fix it remotely.

Offsite Developers

Offsite Technicians
Offsite IT developers

Offsite IT developers are professionals who work remotely or from a location separate from the client's physical business premises. Unlike onsite developers who work directly at the client's location, offsite developers typically work from their own space, which could be at the ITO partner’s office, a home office, a remote office, or any other location outside of the client's physical workspace. 

Offsite developers are known for their ability to work on projects without direct, in-person supervision, relying heavily on digital communication tools for collaboration and coordination 

Advantages of hiring Offsite Developers

  • Cost-Effectiveness
  • 24/7 Technical Support
  • Access to a Global Talent Pool
  • Flexibility and Scalability


Typically, offsite IT developers can be more cost-effective compared to onsite personnel. This includes savings on office space, equipment, and transportation fees. In situations where you hire offsite developers from another country at a cheaper price than domestic developers, you can save a bunch on the salary payment.

24/7 Technical Support

Companies that have offsite developers can provide technical support 24/7. Due to different time zones, offsite developers can continue working outside the client's regular business hours, potentially speeding up project timelines.

Access to a Global Talent Pool

Offsite development allows businesses to tap into a wider talent pool, providing access to a diverse range of skills and expertise that may not be available locally.

Flexibility and Scalability

Offsite development offers greater flexibility in scaling the team up or down as per project requirements without the constraints of physical space.

Disadvantages of hiring Offsite Developers

  • Communication Challenges
  • Monitoring and Management Difficulties
  • Security Concerns

Communication Challenges

Working with a globally dispersed team might introduce cultural and language barriers, potentially leading to misunderstandings or misinterpretations. Remote collaboration can lead to communication hurdles, including time zone differences, which can affect real-time communication and coordination.

Monitoring and Management Difficulties

Overseeing and managing offsite developers can be more challenging, requiring robust project management tools and practices to ensure productivity and adherence to deadlines.

Security Concerns

Remote work can introduce data security risks, especially if sensitive information is being handled. Ensuring compliance with data protection standards and securing remote access can be complex when you are unable to monitor what the offsite developers are doing on their computer screen. 

What if You Want Both Onsite and Offsite IT Developers?

Essentially, onsite and offsite developers both aim to efficiently and effectively resolve your technical problems. A good IT Outsourcing partner will be able to provide resources for both onsite and offsite developers.


Hybrid Outsourcing Model


In situations where you require both Onsite and Offsite, you are definitely looking for Hybrid Outsourcing method. With this approach, you can blend seamlessly between outsourcing necessary IT sections to offsite developers and keeping onsite developers on the spot for urgent matters while maintaining scalability, flexibility and efficiency. 

MOR Software’s services

At MOR Software, we understand what it takes for businesses to go for IT Outsourcing successfully and we are willing to provide customized services that combine our expertise in both onsite and offsite models to satisfy every requirement from the customer. With a team of multidisciplinary engineers and experts, MOR always delivers innovation and competitive advantages in the technology development trend through the following products and services:

- Software Development Services

- Website Development Services.

- Mobile Development Services

- Salesforce Development Services

- Offshore Development Services


Furthermore, we provide consulting and development services in modern technology software, such as:

- AI application research and AI system development

- Blockchain and Bitcoin development/operation

- Cloud computing solutions

- IoT development and digital transformation

MOR Software’s industries and expertises


Before committing to IT Outsourcing partner, make sure that they have available resources of onsite and offsite developers on hand with matching expertise and working style. 


Check out our insightful guide on how to select the right IT Outsourcing partner for your business!


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